It all started back in 1994 at the University where among mandatory sport options, Yoga was on the list. ‘’That’s something for me’’ I said to myself, ‘’I won’t need to sweat here’’. And it all began there; in a big hall, during daytime, once a week, starting with sun salutations, shoulder stands, forward bends, back bends or just simple stretching. After two semesters the lessons finished and I felt I miss something in my life. Yes, I missed Yoga, so the next step was to take class.
At that time the only option was Yoga in Daily Life Association so I run to enrol. No matter the experience everybody had to start at first level. Which was fine. The building up of Asanas was slow, putting emphasis on the awareness of simple moves and stretches, simple breathing techniques, relaxing, observing thoughts, and guided relaxation. It brought patience and calmness into my life. After many weekend retreats and completing the last levels, a natural desire to start teaching yoga arouse.
The next step in 2003 was one month intense teacher training course at the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre in Austria . A new perspective on Asanas, Yoga philosophy, meditation, mantras and chanting – Kirtan, vegetarian food, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga just gave a boost to start teaching a group of 20 people after graduating. I still remember the first lesson and how I was prepared in details for the first 90 minutes of Yoga teaching. Many years after I kept writing a diary where each lessons was carefully planned not just in terms of Asanas and Pranayamas but also Yoga philosophy topics. The structure of each lesson would be Sivananda style, but every class would be different with variations and was building up and progressing.
Sivananda school gave me profound introspection specially during many retreats; the mind revealed its unconscious stuff during two Sadhana Intensives, where performing Pranayamas nine hours daily was a norm. Teachings from Hatha Yoga Pradipika were our guidelines and I felt like an onion, peeling myself everyday and discovering which mental patterns impede me to act differently in my daily life. What a journey.
The next major shift was flying to India for three month in 2010. Staying six weeks with a direct Iyengar disciple and Vipassana meditator opened a new door in incorporating the preciseness and awareness into each Asana. Again the experience was profound, opening the touch and visible senses in an indescribable way. Again I faced my mind eye to eye.
Today I incorporate and pass forward to yoga students what I understood and felt during the past and present experiences with three different yoga schools and many teachers, for whom I’m so grateful and give all my respect.
Underneath I understand that the best teaching can be offered only when we give up our ego and we are the tool through which the wisdom flows.
Ayurveda sneaked into my life so easily as it is the sister knowledge of Yoga. I’ve started buying books in 2005 and moved on with on-line course, therapist course, performed cleaning techniques on myself, took herbs, diet and did Panchakarma which gave me the confirmation Ayurveda works in a very natural, human and nature friendly way. In India , 2010 I joined an Ayurvedic Clinic where was introduced into diagnosing and nutrition.
The passion is there, the time is right so the decision to leave my secure job in marketing for something unknown just feels right. Looking forward to study Ayurveda with dr. Vasant Lad in Albuquerque , New Mexico , US this October.